Spring Thrive Drive image

Spring Thrive Drive

A mindful world for all is a thriving world for all

$15,364 raised

$14,000 goal

/ 150


Have you given yourself an opportunity to stop and smell the roses this Spring? Have you spent time outdoors simply enjoying the changes in the weather and the scenery? Have you enjoyed deep moments of connection with friends and loved ones? Have you savored the miracle of life that makes itself so clearly evident at this time of year?

InStill is dedicating the month of May - Mental Health Awareness Month - to self-care. We are offering over 70 events and activities designed to give you as much access to self-care as possible.

Because self-care isn't just about you. Self-care is about the people around you and the world you live in, because when you start to take care of you, it becomes much easier - necessary, even - to take care of your environment. Want to be surrounded by happy people? Give them reasons to be happy. Want to live safely and comfortably? Foster conditions that make that more possible. It starts with you and it ends with all of us.

The events and activities we are offering, like everything we do, are primarily offered free of charge. We make our offerings free to all members of the public, whenever possible, to support our vision of Cultivating a Mindful World for All.

And our work to create and host such events is not free for us: we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, which means that we exist primarily through charitable giving. Your donations help us continue to exist and to thrive, and to be able to offer meditation and mindfulness programs every day of the calendar year.

We are excited to announce a $7,000 matching challenge from a longtime supporter, who will match you—dollar for dollar—for the first $7,000 raised in this campaign!