Support our efforts to cultivate a mindful world for all this spring

Help us meet $6,000 in matching funds this spring

Support our efforts to cultivate a mindful world for all this spring image


raised towards $12,000 goal



Days Left


Help us meet $6,000 in matching funds this spring

Help people thrive thru mindfulness this spring

Support our efforts to cultivate a mindful world for all this spring.

Spring is a busy season. It’s easy to get caught up in all the doing without stopping to smell the flowers and soak up all the being. So it's a great opportunity to remember to be mindful, and to make a point of smelling those flowers.

In our endeavor to cultivate a mindful world for all, we offer hundreds of free and heavily subsidized classes, groups, and other activities that give you and others the opportunity to be a little more mindful a little more often.

We can't do this without your support.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we exist primarily through charitable giving. Your donations help us continue to exist and thrive and be able to offer meditation and mindful programs every day of the calendar year.

We are excited to announce a $6,000 matching challenge from a longtime supporter, who will match you—dollar for dollar—for the first $6,000 raised in this campaign!

So please, help us help people and communities thrive through mindful living this spring. Every dollar gets us two dollars closer to our goal!